Confluent/Xcat quickstart guide for (open)SUSE

At first you need a least a compute cluster containing of one orchestrator and one node. For testing purpose a terrform configuration for setting this up is available under:

Install confluent

Add the reop and the keys

rpm --import
zypper install

After that the confluent package can be installed with

zypper install lenovo-confluent

Unfortunately the dependency the python dbm package is missing and must be installed with

zypper install python3-dbm

To enable the service run

systemctl enable confluent --now

and enable also tftp with

systemctl enable --now tftp

Enable web client

Follow the steps under or do following

cp /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.template /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/mySSL.conf

and create the SSL certificate with

osdeploy initialize -t

and enable SSL for apache with

a2enmod rewrite
a2enflag SSL
systemctl enable apache2 --now

Now a user root in this case can be added to the web gui with

confetty create /users/root role=admin

Configure cluster

Add nodes

Add global variables to everything group in which all nodes are part of

nodegroupattrib everything deployment.useinsecureprotocols=firmware console.method=ipmi dns.servers= net.ipv4_gateway=

The option deployment.useinsecureprotocols=firmware allows iPXE installations deployment.useinsecureprotocols=firmware allows iPXE installations. Secrets and passwords can be added with

nodegroupattrib everything -p bmcuser bmcpass crypted.rootpassword crypted.grubpassword

which will add the BMC/User with password and the cluster wide root password and as well the password to access grub.

Now the nodes can be added with

for i in {1..4}; do nodename=n$(printf %02i $i); nodedefine $nodename net.ipv4_address=172.16.16.${i}; done

Add the entries to /etc/hosts with

noderun -n n01-n04 echo {node}  {net.ipv4_address} >> /etc/hosts

Add OS

Before any OS can be added certificates for the OS deployment must be create with

osdeploy initialize -i

and import the SLE iso with

osdeploy import SLE-15-SP5-Full-x86_64-GM-Media1.iso

the imported image can be checked with

osdeploy list