Terraform and kiwi

Setting up a slurm cluster for testing purpose is always time consuming and error prone. Especially if just some smaller changes in the configuration have to be tested.

In order to automate this, I have written a small test setup based on kiwi and terraform.

The kiwi part builds one image and bakes in the slurm.conf and a proper shared nfs /home. As all nodes boot from the same image the munge key, which is generated at install time, is the same.

So all configuration files are in the right place.

The network configuration is managed with the terraform configuration and with DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME="yes" in the file /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp the dhpd name is the FQDN.


The terraform providers have to be installed with

sudo terraform init

Now you can build a image with

./build-image.sh leap15.4

With the image the cluster can be started with

sudo terraform apply -var="image=/var/tmp/leap15.4-current/Leap-15.4_appliance.x86_64-1.15.3.qcow2"

Quiet easy?


The individual configurations for the images are in their directories. E.g. the configuration for the openSUSE Leap 15.4 image is the file leap15.4/config.xml.

The configuration of the services comes from the files in the assets/ directory, but as the distribution directory is copied over this directory during the image build process, e.g. a distribution specific slurm.conf would resided in tw/root/etc/slurm/slurm.conf.